The Third Way by Justin Foster
The Third Way Podcast, hosted by Justin Foster
Episode 110: Jason Kyle

Episode 110: Jason Kyle

Men's Mental Health

Jason Kyle is the founding creative of the app Mental, an action-oriented mental health tool for men. He is a former Peace Corps volunteer, stand-up comedian, and Hollywood writer. My friend and prior guest, Melia Dunn, introduced me to him. I absolutely love his energy, sense of humor, and creative mind.

We focused on men’s mental health and both answered these questions:

  • What is your mental health journey?

  • What are some common biases you see in men about mental health?

  • What is one misconception about men's mental health you'd like to address?


Mental App

Jason’s LinkedIn


The Third Way by Justin Foster
The Third Way Podcast, hosted by Justin Foster
The Third Way is a podcast hosted by Justin Foster, co-founder of Massive, philosopher, and creative. Justin challenges dualistic thinking across all areas of life and business. His 3D Conversations are deep-dives into a particular topic with an expert guest. His Manologues are solo stream of consciousness episodes where Justin shares recent epiphanies, challenges, or ideas he's been wrestling with.