The Third Way by Justin Foster
The Third Way Podcast, hosted by Justin Foster
Manologue #5

Manologue #5

Returning to Center

In this Manologue, I shared some epiphanies about how the highest priority for the day is to return to center (as often as it takes), what happens when we don’t, and the forces that want to keep us off-center.

Here is the 8Cs of the Higher Self art piece created by my great friend, Allison Crow.

Here are links to the books I mentioned:

“Original Self” - Thomas Moore

The book about centering prayer by Thomas Keating

“Resilient” by Rick Hanson
(I mistakenly referred to the title as “Radical Acceptance”, which is also a great book by Tara Brach)

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The Third Way by Justin Foster
The Third Way Podcast, hosted by Justin Foster
The Third Way is a podcast hosted by Justin Foster, co-founder of Massive, philosopher, and creative. Justin challenges dualistic thinking across all areas of life and business. His 3D Conversations are deep-dives into a particular topic with an expert guest. His Manologues are solo stream of consciousness episodes where Justin shares recent epiphanies, challenges, or ideas he's been wrestling with.