I consider it a sign of my male security to invite someone on my podcast with better hair and a better beard ;) Based in Colombus, OH, Perry Maughmer is the founder of Relentless Leadership and a Vistage Chair. His mission is to “provoke people to make a positive difference in the lives of those they care about.” I met Perry when he invited Emily and me to present to his Vistage group several years ago and immediately recognized a kindred spirit.
Perry is part of a rare but growing breed of what I call “conscious alphas”. These men and women have a forward-leaning, action-oriented warrior spirit balanced with inner awareness and connection to their hearts.
In our conversation, we covered the topic of relentless leadership and both answered these three questions:
Who do you know that most embodies relentless leadership?
What is the role of spirituality in becoming a better leader?
What are some of the biggest gaps you see between intention and action in leaders?
Perry’s Links
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