The Third Way by Justin Foster
The Third Way Podcast, hosted by Justin Foster
Episode 101: Vanessa Reiser

Episode 101: Vanessa Reiser

Seeing the Story

Vanessa Reiser is an Austin-based documentarian and filmmaker. We met through cosmic happenstance several years ago and we became fast friends. She has also been a great strategic partner for helping clients tell their stories via video.

In our conversation, we focused on “seeing the story” and we both answered the following:

  • How do you train your mind and your eye to notice the story?

  • What's your process of turning what you notice into a story?

  • How does having a storytelling eye impact other areas of your life?

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Parkinson’s Documentary Trailer

The Third Way by Justin Foster
The Third Way Podcast, hosted by Justin Foster
The Third Way is a podcast hosted by Justin Foster, co-founder of Massive, philosopher, and creative. Justin challenges dualistic thinking across all areas of life and business. His 3D Conversations are deep-dives into a particular topic with an expert guest. His Manologues are solo stream of consciousness episodes where Justin shares recent epiphanies, challenges, or ideas he's been wrestling with.