The Third Way by Justin Foster
The Third Way Podcast, hosted by Justin Foster
3D Conversation with Trae Tucker

3D Conversation with Trae Tucker

Topic: Rural Identity

As if often the case, I met Trae Tucker in a serendipitous way. I was immediately struck by his story, his sincerity, and his drive. Like me, Trae grew up rural. And like me, he is proud of his rural roots but also has felt like an “other”.

Listen to his story and our wide-ranging 3D conversation about what it means to identify as rural.

Trae’s LinkedIn

The Third Way by Justin Foster
The Third Way Podcast, hosted by Justin Foster
The Third Way is a podcast hosted by Justin Foster, co-founder of Massive, philosopher, and creative. Justin challenges dualistic thinking across all areas of life and business. His 3D Conversations are deep-dives into a particular topic with an expert guest. His Manologues are solo stream of consciousness episodes where Justin shares recent epiphanies, challenges, or ideas he's been wrestling with.