The Truth?
Is there an absolute truth? Or is all truth relative? This is one of the longest running debates between theologians, philosophers, and scientists. And it likely will never be resolved - although I believe those who have passed into the next dimension know the answer.
While this larger debate about truth remains unresolved, many other truths are available for discovery. These truths are more evidentiary and more verifiable; they are easier to examine and test. The laws of physics fall into this category. As does the predicability and patterns of nature, numbers and humans. Even with these more provable truths, it is necessary to have a critical mind. Not necessarily because these things aren’t true, but because our mind is a bias-fueled distortion chamber. Thus the humble reminder of any critical thinker: I might be wrong.
Here is one such evidentiary truth:
Any group that claims to be “The Truth”is built on a set of lies.
As I’ve mentioned many times, I was raised in, and spent years in, a small but global fundamentalist Christian group that made such a claim. Here’s a brief history of my relationship with this group:
I grew up in this church but rejected it until I was 18 - largely because I couldn’t find satisfactory answers to my questions.
From 18 to 40, it became my identity - at least externally. Out of fear, I lived a split life for those years - my ego finding comfort in belonging to something that claimed to be The Truth. But to my curious mind and my even more curious soul, it never fit right; never felt right.
From 40 - 43, I began to ask questions again - to the point that I walked away in January 2016.
In recent months, this group has become in embroiled in a horrific and tragic world-wide scandal of epic proportions - almost all of which is related to child sexual abuse and adult sexual assault. Led by the brave and diligent work of the women behind Advocates for the Truth, this cover-up is being brought into the light. (Just as Jesus promised would happen to lies).
“A truth that's told with bad intent
Beats all the lies you can invent.”
― William Blake
Although I witnessed a lot of what would now be called religious abuse, I never witnessed sexual abuse in my years in this group. There were rumors of sexual impropriety with ministers and leaders of the group, but it rarely came to light. But I was not surprised at all to learn of the widespread exploitation of children and young women and men. After all, this is a group built on lies. And such groups have secrets.
I have many friends that have also left this group (including everyone in my immediate family) and I have a few friends that remain for their own reasons. My intention is not to condemn those who have stayed but certainly those who have stayed and remained silent.
I have many, many doctrinal and political beefs with this group, but my main condemnation are the lies the group is built on. Here are the big three:
That this group is the continuation of the church in the New Testament. Until the internet came along, this lie was easy to perpetuate. But a quick Google search will show you the founding of the group. Like many cults, this reinforced the claim of “specialness”; of being chosen.
That the Bible is the “Word of God”. Again, a little research will reveal that what we refer to as the Christian Bible was heavily edited - often many years after the proclaimed authors had died. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t contain wisdom, but those that claim its infallibility have turned it from a library of spiritual clues into a book of absolutism and rules.
That the group’s ministers are “called by God” and as such, they are the de facto authority. Questioning the ministers - both in doctrine and in behavior - was roundly scorned. Many former ministers say that they were pressured (and in many cases, groomed) to join the ministry. The truth is that this group has a hierarchy and patriarchal power structure and, as such, contains all of the same problems as any such power structures.
If there is an absolute truth it is called Love. It abhors secrets, abusive power structures, manipulation, dehumanizing doctrine, justification of evil. So any group that claims to be “the Truth” but has these traits is an illusion; a mind fuck.
If you were sexually abused by anyone in this group, my heart breaks for you. Please reach out to Advocates for the Truth for counseling resources and for support on how to involve law enforcement.
As for my faith, I don’t like referring to myself as a Christian. Christians have caused the large majority of the problems in the world. But I still believe in Jesus’s teachings and his embodiment of divine Love. I believe in the concept of “Christ Consciousness” (which has the same root system as buddha and atman). I believe that the truth that Jesus referred to resides in each of us and is, as my friend Mark says, our divine birthright. I especially believe in Jesus’ condemnation of corrupt systems - which was the primary motivation for writing this essay. I belong to no formal group or denomination, but I have a beautiful and diverse group of misfits and mystics that feed my soul.
If you are a current Christian with a critical mind or a former Christian looking for a spiritual home, let’s talk.